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Eric Roberts

F. 18. apríl 1956
Þekktur fyrir : Leik

Bandarískur leikari. Ferill hans hófst með góðri viðtöku leik í King of the Gypsies (1978), sem hann hlaut sína fyrstu Golden Globe verðlaunatilnefningu fyrir. Önnur Golden Globe-tilnefning hans kom fyrir túlkun sína á Paul Snider í Star 80 (1983), á eftir Globe og Óskarsverðlaunatilnefningar fyrir aukahlutverk sitt í Runaway Train (1985). Á ferli sem spannar... Lesa meira

Hæsta einkunn: The Dark Knight IMDb 9
Lægsta einkunn: Phat Girlz IMDb 3.3


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
The Firing Squad 2024 Adam Markman IMDb 5.4 -
Sweetwater 2023 Judd IMDb 6.1 -
Babylon 2022 Robert Roy IMDb 7.1 -
Pups Alone 2021 CEO Bill IMDb 3.3 -
Widows 2018 David IMDb 6.8 $73.866.088
First Man 2018 Michael Collins IMDb 7.3 -
Head Full of Honey 2018 Dr. Holst IMDb 5.6 -
The Revenant 2016 Jones IMDb 8 $532.950.503
Compadres 2016 Dalton IMDb 4.8 -
A Husband for Christmas 2016 Mr. Rawlings IMDb 4.9 -
Leaves of the Tree 2015 Patrick IMDb 5 -
Love Me True 2015 IMDb -
Inherent Vice 2014 Michael Z. Wolfmann IMDb 6.6 $14.710.975
Transcendence 2014 James Thomas IMDb 6.2 $103.039.258
Lovelace 2013 Nat Laurendi IMDb 6.2 -
Pawn Shop Chronicles 2013 Vernon IMDb 5.9 -
Lincoln 2012 First White Soldier IMDb 7.3 -
Contraband 2012 Danny Raymer IMDb 6.4 $96.262.212
Red Riding Hood 2011 Father August IMDb 5.4 $89.162.162
The Expendables 2010 James Monroe IMDb 6.4 -
Inception 2010 Nash IMDb 8.8 -
Hunt to Kill 2010 Lee Davis IMDb 5.1 -
The Dark Knight 2008 Maroni IMDb 9 -
The Brothers Bloom 2008 Bar Patron IMDb 6.7 -
While She Was Out 2008 Chuckie IMDb 4.8 -
Witless Protection 2008 Wilford Duvall IMDb 3.4 -
Gardener of Eden 2007 Adam Harris IMDb 6 -
The Tripper 2006 Ivan IMDb 5 -
Alpha Dog 2006 Buzz Fecske IMDb 6.9 -
DOA: Dead or Alive 2006 Donovan IMDb 4.8 -
Material Girls 2006 Henry Baines IMDb 4 -
Phat Girlz 2006 Robert Myer IMDb 3.3 -
The Darwin Awards 2006 Farley IMDb 5.9 -
Brick 2005 The Pin IMDb 7.1 -
National Security 2003 Nash IMDb 5.6 $50.097.949
Long Time Dead 2002 Webster IMDb 4.7 $13.102.295
Cecil B. DeMented 2000 IMDb 6.3 -
Hitman's Run 1999 Tony Lazorka / John Dugan IMDb 4.3 -
The Shadow Men 1997 Bob Wilson IMDb 4.5 -
Everyone Says I Love You 1996 Scott Dandrige IMDb 6.7 -
Mars Attacks! 1996 Richie Norris IMDb 6.4 -
The Cable Guy 1996 Eric Roberts IMDb 6.1 -
Heaven's Prisoners 1996 Bubba Rocque IMDb 5.8 $5.009.305
Johns 1996 Donner IMDb 6.3 -
The Specialist 1994 Tomas Leon IMDb 5.6 $170.362.582
Leap of Faith 1992 Boyd IMDb 6.1 $23.369.283
Final Analysis 1992 Jimmy Evans IMDb 5.9 $28.590.665
Rambling Rose 1991 Willcox "Buddy" Hillyer IMDb 6.5 $6.266.621
Blood Red 1989 Marco Collogero IMDb 4.1 -
See You in the Morning 1989 Petey Goodwin IMDb 5.8 -
Music Box 1989 Mike Talbot IMDb 7.3 -
Witness 1985 Samuel Lapp IMDb 7.4 $68.706.993
His Girl Friday 1940 Elevator Passenger (uncredited) IMDb 7.8 -