Watchmen á NYCC

Warner Bros. var með smá kynningu á nokkrum væntanlegum titlum á New York Comic-Con hátíðinni, þ.á.m. var sýnt úr Friday the 13th, Terminator Salvation og Watchmen.

Watchmen-kynningin vakti heldur betur athygli meðal aðdáenda og voru jafnvel skeptísku mennirnir farnir að verða spenntir. Salurinn fékk að njóta fyrstu 18 mínúturnar úr myndinni.

Hér fyrir neðan er smá umfjöllun frá þar sem rætt er um mynefnið sem var sýnt. Það er varla hægt að segja að eftirfarandi texti innihaldi spoilera, en ef þið (sem þekkið söguna ekki neitt – og viljið halda því þannig) hafið engan áhuga að vita hvernig fyrstu mínúturnar úr myndinni spilast út, ekki þá lesa lengra.

We meet Edward Blake in his apartment as he watches a t.v. news
debate focusing on Russian nukes (one of the panelists is Pat
Buchanan). His door is cracked open, and he is promptly thrown about
the place, quite brutally, by an unseen enemy. Snyder indulges a few of
his 300 impulses by doing the „slow-mo then fast-mo“ thing, but
it works here very well, accentuating how harsh the beating is. Blake
puts up a fight, but he’s seriously no match for the assailant.
Eventually, after getting his ass handed to him, he is tossed out the
window – followed by his smiley-face pin. The both of them hit the
ground. He is dead.

Then the credits begin, and how wonderful they are. Set to Bob
Dylan’s „The Times They Are A-Changin'“, we witness the birth of the
Minutemen, and the world in which they inhabit. We see JFK’s
assassination, Kent State, Castro, Richard Nixon getting elected to a
third term, Vietnam, the works (for the uninitiated, this not only
takes place in an alternate reality where superheores are accepted and
common, but where the course of history is different than the one we’re
familiar with). It’s really moving – the best montage of its kind I’ve
seen in a long while. Of course, we’re also seeing fantasy characters
and their interactions within these events (you’ll never guess who was
on the grassy knoll), their rise and fall with the times. Eventually
the Watchmen are born. Our only glimpse of Dr. Manhattan is during the
taking of the group photograph.

After the credits (which run the length of the entire song) we see
Blake’s blood being washed off the street, and meet the two detectives
investigating the crime. Soon after, we meet someone else doing his own
investigating: Rorshach, who finds out more about Blake than the cops
do in about 1 minute flat. Blake is The Comedian, and other
„superheroes“ should be worried. And for those concerned, yes, Jackie
Earle Haley’s „Hurmm“ works.

Then we cut to black. I could have watched more, obviously. But a
special treat was in store for us – an additional scene: We see Walter
Kovacs (Rorschach) in jail, waiting on a food line and getting some
heat from a pissed-off prisoner near him. The man tries to stab him,
but Kovacs has none of it – he lays the guy out. As the guards subdue
him, he sends a message to the other prisoners: „You think I’m trapped in here with you, but you’re trapped in here with ME!“ He’s f*cking intense, people. And his voice makes Bale’s Batman sound like Mickey Mouse.

That brought the house down, the lights came up, and a quick Q+A
with Dave Gibbons ensued. To sum up, he confirmed that there is indeed
no squid at the end (again, people who know the book know what that
means) and he didn’t seem at all concerned about it. In a movie filled
with special effects, that would have just been one more special
effect, he said. Besides, the point and meaning of what occurs at
story’s conclusion remains intact, and that’s all that matters. 

Verður gaman að sjá afraksturinn.