Náðu í appið

Brontis Jodorowsky

Þekktur fyrir : Leik

Hæsta einkunn: Jodorowsky's Dune IMDb 8
Lægsta einkunn: Entebbe IMDb 5.9


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald 2018 Nicolas Flamel IMDb 6.5 $653.355.901
Entebbe 2018 Captain Michel Bacos IMDb 5.9 $9.196.740
Endless Poetry 2016 Jaime IMDb 7.5 -
The Dance of Reality 2013 Jaime IMDb 7.4 -
Jodorowsky's Dune 2013 Self IMDb 8 -
Santa Sangre 1989 Orderly 1 IMDb 7.5 -
El Topo 1970 Son of El Topo IMDb 7.2 -