Klovn slær í gegn í Austin

Hin árlega kvikmyndahátíð, Fantastic Fest, var haldin nú á dögunum í borginni Austin í Texas. Sú hátíð sérhæfir sig mikið í hryllingsmyndum, vísindaskáldskap, fantasíu, asískum myndum og tilvonandi költ-myndum. Opnunarmyndin var t.a.m. hin vægast sagt umdeilda Human Centipede 2 og var sérstök óvissusýning haldin í lokin þar sem Paranormal Activity 3 var sýnd.

Einnig tókst dönsku gamanmyndinni Klovn að koma sér fyrir á þessari hátíð og er hún talin vera ein af þeim myndum sem flestir voru ánægðastir með. Íslendingar þekkja auðvitað myndina mjög vel enda tók hún yfir 40 þúsund manns í aðsókn nú í vor.

Hér fyrir neðan koma nokkrar skemmtilegar tilvitnanir frá vefsíðunni Aint it Cool News um Klovn-myndina:

(Tekið af topplista yfir myndum hátíðinnar. Klovn var nr. 5)
„Apparently this film is a spinoff of a Danish television series about two guys who get into all sorts of crazy situations with much humor and apparently a lot of sex. The film doesn’t hold anything back in its search for laughs, and if this ever gets released in the States I’d be very surprised. Plus it features the most deadpan finger-to-ass scene in film history. I’m not quite sure some of the scenes shot in the film would actually be legal here in America. If you get the oppotunity, and you have an open mind, I think you might find that KLOVN is quite a good film. But it sure as hell ain’t for everyone.“

Einn gagnrýnandi síðunnar, Quint, hafði þetta að segja um myndina:
„I think Clown could be the funniest, most heart-warming comedy featuring underage nudity. I haven’t researched this statement, so there may be a funnier, more heart-warming comedy featuring a kid’s wiener out there.“

„Clown belongs to the same comedy subgenre as flicks like The Hangover do… adult men who act like immature teenagers get caught up in a whirlwind of unfortunate situations, but because the Danish don’t give a shit there’s some really graphic shots that would make the end of The Hangover look like The Little Mermaid. It really pushes the comedy envelope and as a result it can genuinely surprise you.“

Þá er bara spurning hvort Klovn fái almenna dreifingu á næstu mánuðum í BNA.