Peter Mayhew, sá sem lék Chewbacca í upprunalegu Star Wars-myndunum, tók sig saman og halaði niður gömlum myndum úr safni sínu á Twitter-síðuna sína fyrir stuttu. Um er að ræða nokkrar óséðar myndir úr einkasafni Mayhew, og aðrar sem hafa áður leikið á netið.
Myndirnar eru teknar bakvið tjöldin af aðalleikurum, leikstjóranum George Lucas og tökuliði myndarinnar. Eins og frægt er orðið, hefur Disney keypt réttinn að Star Wars-myndunum og þýðir það að allt sem tengist vörumerkinu Star Wars verður í eigu fyrirtækisins sem Walt Disney stofnaði árið 1923. George Lucas hefur því ákveðið að gefa eftir „barnið“ sitt Star Wars, sem hefur átt hug hans allan í fjöldamörg ár.
Ný Star Wars-mynd er á leiðinni á næsta ári og verður forvitnilegt að sjá hvað leikstjórinn J.J Abrahms geri við viðfangsefnið.
Hér fyrir neðan má sjá ótal myndir frá Twitter-síðu Mayhew.
„Really? The dark side has cookies?“ „Yes, Luke. So many cookies.“
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 8, 2014
Irvin had a fierce way of correcting you when you missed a mark. I look on in terror in the background…
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
We all go a little crazy, sometimes.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
The most luscious princess in the galaxy and an 11 year old Warwick Davis. I want to be an 11 year old Warwick Davis.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
A backlot, a bottle of wine, and the ever alluring @CarrieFFisher. The rest of this set stay in the archive
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 8, 2014
The original C3P0 costume, before the rewrites.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
I love this picture. Stuart Freeborn and Yoda having their makeup done by Irvin.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
There’s no evidence to support rumors that George wanted to write himself into the movie as Zazzle Moonbr- oh wait…
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 8, 2014
Its been 30 minutes, here is your gratuitous Chain-mail bikini shot. And look at @HamillHimself shirt!
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Really? Why do I torment myself with these!
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
HiYo Silver, AWAY!
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Work was sparse, we all had to pick up jobs where we could. At least the shuttle was warm…
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Boing, Boing, Boing.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Practicing before they broke out the real lightsabers. Those things were dangerous!
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Bizarre things happened after the Philadelphia Experiment, Things we cant discuss.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
George Lucas (or Zazzle) with Dave and Irvin Kershner
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
I want to be a pirate in the Pirates of Penzance Wear me silver-buckled slippers and me tight shiny pants I want to..
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 8, 2014
„You are not Zazzle MoonBreaker“ „I am not Zazzle MoonBreaker“ „You like being behind the camera“ „I like…“
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
George was always going around set showing off his giant Star Destroyer.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Another joyous moment on the set!! 0_o
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
I missed another half naked Bantha.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Anthony with Tiffany & Melissa Kurtz, daughters of Gary Kurtz, who played Jawa’s in ANH
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
The lovely Koo Stark, who played Camie in Episode VI. Her scenes didn't make it to the final film.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014