Í einhvern tíma núna hefur staðið til að gera nýja mynd um frægasta glæpa-par sögunnar, en þangað til í dag áttu þau Kevin Zegers og Hilary Duff að leika dúóið dýnamíska. Því miður fyrir bæði myndina og okkur var ungfrú Duff rekin úr verkefninu vegna vandamála varðandi nýlegrar þungunar hennar sem skarst inn í fyrirfram-ákveðnar tökudagsetningar. Í staðinn var True Blood stjarnan Lindsay Pulsipher ráðin til að leika Bonnie en mótleikari hennar, Zegers, gekk burt frá myndinni á svipuðum tíma og Duff. Staða Clyde hefur ekki verið fyllt að svo stöddu.
Myndin mun bera titilinn The Story of Bonnie and Clyde og verður bæði leikstýrt og skrifuð af Tonya S. Holly en þetta verður önnur myndin hennar í fullri lengd. Hún hefur tekið það fram að þetta á alls ekki að vera endurgerð af 1967 myndinni með Warren Beatty og Faye Dunaway í aðalhlutverki.
Tökur hefjast bráðlega í Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama og líklega Missouri en framleiðandi myndarinnar, Cypress Moon Studios gáfu út eftirfarandi lýsingu á myndinni (Varúð! Örsmáir spoiler’ar):
Bonnie Parker wanted something different…something exciting. Clyde Barrow wanted to be remembered. When their worlds collided, the rest became history. In a small Texas town in the 1930’s Depression, Bonnie Parker had dreams of becoming an actress or perhaps a poet. She knew more than anything that she wanted out – out of poverty, away from Texas, and she wanted a love story that would never end.
Clyde Barrow grew up poor. He loved guns, cars, and getting noticed. It was his love for the finer things that would cost him his freedom. It is his loss of freedom that changes the boy to a man, and a man into a killer.
The Story of Bonnie and Clyde begins with a love that cannot be broken, but Clyde’s love of money and excitement and his fear of returning to the Texas prison system leads them both into a world of violence. The story unravels, revealing a love story that has surpassed the decades. Every moment leads the couple into a web of no return, which will leave the audience breathless.
This is a new account of the lives of the infamous Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow. This telling will uncover times in their lives that have never been seen on the big screen before. What began as a beautiful love story, ends as one of the most remembered ambushes in history. This film will take you into the life and times of Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow. This is The Story of Bonnie and Clyde.