Arnold Schwarzenegger hefur sent frá sér myndbandið Overkill með öllum þeim sprengingum sem hafa orðið í öllum hans myndum.
Kappinn skellti myndbandinu, eða ofurklippunni, á Youtube til að kynna atburðinn Omaze sem hann stendur fyrir. Fólk sem tekur þátt í honum gæti dottið í lukkupottinn og fengið að „sprengja upp hluti með Arnold“ til stuðnings verkefninu After School All-Stars, sem snýst um að börn hafi eitthvað uppbyggilegt fyrir stafni eftir skólann.
Myndbandið er 32 mínútna langt og því um að gera að halla sér aftur í hægindastólnum og njóta dýrðarinnar.
Hér má lesa meira um myndbandið með orðum Schwarzenegger:
In case you missed it, I’m offering you the chance to come to LA and blow sh*t up with me. ENTER HERE:
To show you what I mean when I say blow sh*t up, here is a Supercut with EVERY explosion from EVERY film I have starred in that had an explosion to count, up through Sabotage. In order to do this, my team had to come up with some rules.
Explosions were counted frame by frame based on every instance of an actual explosion.
This includes repeated explosions, as well as explosions within explosions. Explosions that continued through an edit were only counted once.
An honest attempt was made to count every explosion based on these rules.
In some cases an educated guess was made.
Films counted:
Hercules in New York
The Villain
Conan the Destroyer
The Terminator
Raw Deal
The Running Man
Total Recall
Terminator 2
Last Action Hero
True Lies
Jingle All The Way
Batman and Robin
End of Days
The 6th Day
Collateral Damage
Terminator 3
The Last Stand
Escape Plan