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Blake Lively

Þekkt fyrir: Leik

Blake Ellender Lively (fæddur ágúst 25, 1987) er bandarísk leikkona, fyrirsæta og leikstjóri. Lively er fædd í Los Angeles og er dóttir leikarans Ernie Lively og lék frumraun sína sem atvinnumaður í leikstjóraverkefni sínu Sandman (1998). Hún lék sem Bridget Vreeland í The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants (2005) ásamt framhaldi hennar The Sisterhood of the Traveling... Lesa meira

Hæsta einkunn: The Town IMDb 7.5
Lægsta einkunn: The Rhythm Section IMDb 5.4


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
It Ends with Us 2024 Lily Bloom IMDb 6.4 -
The Rhythm Section 2019 Stephanie Patrick IMDb 5.4 -
A Simple Favor 2018 Emily Nelson IMDb 6.8 $97.644.617
All I See Is You 2017 Gina IMDb 5.4 $646.946
The Shallows 2016 Nancy Adams IMDb 6.3 $119.100.758
Café Society 2016 Veronica Hayes IMDb 6.6 $43.763.247
The Age of Adaline 2015 Adaline Bowman IMDb 7.2 $65.663.276
Savages 2012 Ophelia "O" Sage IMDb 6.4 $82.966.152
Green Lantern 2011 Carol Ferris IMDb 5.5 -
The Town 2010 Krista Coughlin IMDb 7.5 -
The Private Lives of Pippa Lee 2009 Young Pippa Lee IMDb 6.3 -
Cloverfield 2008 IMDb 7 -
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 2008 Bridget Vreeland IMDb 6.2 -
New York, I Love You 2008 Ex-Girlfriend IMDb 6.2 $14.603.177
Accepted 2006 Monica Moreland IMDb 6.4 -
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2005 Bridget Vreeland IMDb 6.5 -