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The Rig 2023

Leiknir þættir - Virk sería
1 þáttaraðir (6 þættir)51 MÍNEnska

When the crew of the Kishorn Bravo oil rig, stationed off the Scottish coast, is due to return to the mainland, a mysterious and all-enveloping fog rolls through and they find themselves cut off from all communication with the outside world. As the rig is hit by massive tremors, the crew endeavor to discover what’s driving the unknown force. But a major accident forces them... Lesa meira

When the crew of the Kishorn Bravo oil rig, stationed off the Scottish coast, is due to return to the mainland, a mysterious and all-enveloping fog rolls through and they find themselves cut off from all communication with the outside world. As the rig is hit by massive tremors, the crew endeavor to discover what’s driving the unknown force. But a major accident forces them to ask questions about who they can really trust.... minna




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